Ø What radioactive elements are the threat from Fukushima
Ø What the Government is not telling you
Ø What is The Petkau Effect
Ø What are the specific health risks to you & your family
Ø What the sequence to these threats will be over the next 5 years
Ø What history has taught us
Ø What misinformation are we being told?
Ø What you & your family can easily and effectively do to potentially overcome these risks
Q: What specifically is arriving in the air we breathe and unto U.S. soils and water supplies from radioactive Fall-Out emanating from Fukushima's nuclear power plant meltdown?
A: Currently right alongside the extremely low, yet biologically significant levels of radioactive Iodide-131, Cesium-137, Tellurium-132 and Xenon-133 arriving onto our shores,107, 123 is the likelihood of Barium-140, Strontium-90 and Yttrium-91/90 following closely behind. The heavier radioactive metals Americium-243/241, Plutonium-244/240/239/238 and Uranium-235/234 may be of secondary concern over the long term.(H)
All exposures to radiation from all sources become cumulative in our body. There is no safe level of radiation exposure.66 Our body's ability to cope with it is called our innate resistance to radiation. Humans are not designed to handle even the lowest doses of radiation without it potentially overloading our innate resistance. But there are ways to boost our innate resistance that can make all the difference if we knew the full scope, types and context of our exposures.
Full Scope:
This information should contain, per capita, the day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year quantities as well as types of radioactive Fall-Out per county or region. In this fashion, we can determine what our daily schedule must be for including overall quantities of specific antioxidants added into our diet. See below under "What History Has Taught Us" and the section following pertaining to "Misinformation and Misapplied Science" to understand what we actually mean in regards to the Full Scope of our exposure.
This information should contain the specific source(s) of the radiation and make clear distinctions between any differing sources of radiation. In this case, the Fukushima Fall-Out contains exact elements, and we must now deal with each separately. So we need to know their respective toxic properties, where they tend to specifically accumulate in the body, and what specific antidotes for each work most effectively. Think of it this way - types of radiation come from different sources of radiation, which prefer to collect in specific areas of out body, and each has specific antidotes (see Context below).
Furthermore, it is critical not to confuse emissions or rays of radiation coming from medical diagnostic testing with Fall-Out particles that become embedded into our tissues which produce rays or radiation. For example, some official spokespersons like to compare low level, regional U.S. daily exposures of Fall-Out from Fukushima to a single dental x-ray. When in reality, each impacts our bodies in totally different ways and degrees. This is akin to comparing apples to oranges. For example, radioactive particles of Fall-Out once lodged into the lungs or intestinal tract, keep bombarding us with radiation 24/7 as opposed to a simple one time dental x-ray which only bombards us once for a few milliseconds.
This information should contain the impact of the above upon our tissues and organs as unique individuals. We are all a bit different from one another. That is, how will our innate resistance be impacted according to the short term and long term toxicity of the above in the context of our sex, age, medical history, dental history, nutrient profile and lifestyle?
For example, in the immediate future tissue embedded particle radiation at low levels harms the fatty membranes in our cells via non-stop lipid peroxidation. In other words, our tissues will go rancid, cell by cell. Certain lifestyles can exacerbate this; other lifestyles help cope with it if internal reserves of lipid antioxidants abound such as vitamin E, or if we eat frequent meals of ocean fish.
But over the long term, our DNA becomes the target of embedded radioactive particles, coupled to cumulative exposures (like those annual medical X-rays). It all adds up. So, the longer we live, the more the threat. We know aging can mean a big difference here, with those folks living a healthy lifestyle and who use a nutritious diet rich in certain proteins, copper, manganese, zinc and selenium better positioned to stave off the genetic damage. For others who have long ago depleted their antioxidant reserves, cancer is their key risk. These folks must put regenerative techniques into play as soon as possible (see the "Four Pillars" sub-tab under the "Home" page).
In other words, differing kinds of damage require different kinds of antidotes to effectively reverse radioactive damage. One group of antioxidants that protects our fatty membranes, and one group of antioxidants that protect our genetic core. Another set of antioxidants can specifically intervene precisely in the gland or tissue involved, such as the thyroid gland and breast tissues with sufficient iodine, while another set can provide for the most efficient means to escort out of the body the specific offending radioactive particle, such as pectin and acidophilus via the bowels.
Lastly, context is about not confusing low level exposures with high level exposures. Both have toxic impacts independent of each other. Low level radiation can be much more harmful than higher levels of radiation. Or, in some cases as with the unfortunate workers at Fukushima, high level radiation will be more harmful than their low level exposures. A comprehensive pre-emptive all-natural approach that deals with both threats may be wise, especially since such measures are very healthy to perform daily by all of us anyway.
What the Government Is Not Telling You:
I love my country dearly, as do most Americans. But I love honor, moral conduct and my relationship to my Creator most. Central to all moral conduct is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and doing what is the honorable thing to do. Tragically, our Government is not giving us the full scope, types and context of truth relating to our current dilemma, nor doing what is honorable. We are only hearing general statements which are often over-simplistic, confusing and/or out of context. In fact our Government has become so embedded with the military and civilian nuclear energy industrial complex, that we cannot expect officials to come clean with the American public in times of a radiation crisis. Throughout the ranks of our military, our troops understand what the moral and honorable duties are for properly serving We the People. Yet, as Dwight D. Eisenhower so rightfully warned us about, we must be ever vigilant against the military-industrial complex. We have already seen the tip of this iceberg (spanning 1944 to 1974) in the Department of Energy's (DOE) publication of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Report (ACHRE - stock number 061-000-00-848-9). This report commissioned by President Clinton (1994-1995) exposed the horrific and egregious lethal activities of our Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Atomic Energy Commission and the associated industrial lackeys. This is how America becomes unexceptional.93, 120
But these travesties do not end here in America. It extends globally, especially into the halls of the United Nations, under UNSCEAR, which is rearing its ughly head again at the ailing Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant claiming all sorts of nonsense that the radioactive releases into the general environment (including plutonium) are of no threat to human health.128, 139
We need all the dirty details to once again bend fear into insight so we can take appropriate, timely action through proper and complete understanding. For decades the apparatus put in place in our Government has been contrary to such exceptionalism in both communications and actions. Most importantly, no information is being provided covering the risks to low level radiation when our tissues become embedded with tiny amounts of radioactive nanoparticles. Instead we are simply told levels are too low to be concerned about. What hogwash! For the sake of our children and their future generations of Americans, we need a second Human Radiation Investigative Report (updated 1975 to 2011) that covers the real impact to: (A) human tissues at the cell and below cell levels (see Petkau and Ling below) and (B) our food chain, relating to:85-89, 96, 98-100
(i) Secret nuclear power plant radioactive releases,
(ii) The full scale of contamination from nuclear weapon sites,
(iii) Three Mile Island,
(iv) Chernobyl,
(v) Depleted uranium (DU) usage, and now
(vi) Fukushima.
We must now unite and insist upon immediate dialogue which openly and honestly discusses ThePetkau Effect, first between ourselves, then with our public servants. This is what American Exceptionalism is truly all about. Only then can we discuss at the national level the most effective means to deal with counter-measures that may make all the difference for both the short term as well as the long term.1-7, 20, 21, 34-40, 80-84, 104
For scientists, thePetkau Effectmay be illustrated as follows:18, 22, 64
A long term exposure of extremely low radiation (i.e., one-ten millionth of a rad per minute) was found to be 100 BILLION times MORE lethal than a short term exposure to exceedingly high level radiation (i.e., 10,000 rads per minute). As it turns out, Petkau discovered that at exceedingly high radiation levels, the abundant free radicals generated in tissues tended to cancel each other out before they could do cellular damage. But at extremely low levels of radiation, these same free radicals - produced in minuscule quantities - remain unchecked. And any steady stream of unchecked free-radicals will efficiently and lethally cleave lipid cellular membranes like a hot knife slicing through butter once they overwhelm and exhaust cellular antioxidant defenses. This dramatically illustrates the non-linear aspects of dose (rads) to lethality. Most scientists specializing in the field of nuclear medicine are unaware of this fact. And most think strictly in terms of genetic damage, while the above presents its lethal affects upon cell membranes and only secondarily to the genetic core.
At points along where the molecule-size radioactive particles lodge in our bone marrow and organs - even in extremely low levels due to The Petkau Effect - there will be an immediate, sustained, minuscule, lethal tissue ionization (via lipid peroxidation). Lipid peroxidation is a melting of our cellular fatty membrane barriers, or stated another way, lipid peroxidation causes our tissues to turn rancid. Over the short-term, this especially impacts our immune system and hormonal producing pathways, insidiously injuring and even killing the very young and old. As time goes on and we absorb more and more trace amounts of radioactive particles from contaminated air, water and food, this is akin to undergoing millions or even billions of internal paper cuts 24/7. Unless our tissues posses adequate reserves of antioxidants and innate resistance, over decades this will resurrect itself into deranged genetic behavior (via mutated DNA), dramatically increasing the risks for developing cancer.18, 19, 22, 86
Collectively, these nanoparticles from all the above sources keep emitting their radiation constantly - 24/7 for decades or beyond, something not being discussed and leads the general public into a false sense of security. Since we are at the very top of the food chain, in this manner there has been a cumulative impact building up for decades in human beings of greatest significance. We must remind ourselves that in America we can only blame ourselves, since We are the Government. By shunning our responsibility to keep open and honest dialogue going, this has produced dire consequences extending into the deepest recesses of our Government. By abdicating over our health consciousness into the hands of Governmental bureaucrats, what should we expect? It is We, the People, who have enabled our public servants to perfect speech riddled with misinformation, disinformation, a lack of information, double-speak, spin wordsmithing and non-denial denials. In place of bullet points that are only meant to placate the unsuspecting and naive, we must demand from our public servants to cease and desist all the mumbo-jumbo. And we can't demand anything until we know for ourselves just what the real truth is.18, 85-89, 93, 96, 99, 100, 120, 124 So, thank goodness for the internet.
Q: What is the no-spin truth regarding our health risks arising from this radioactive Fall-Out?
A: For the short term:ThePetkau Effect is a "must know subject" so that we can effectively combat this new threat to our health and protect our children without fear. We can do this; we just have to get ourselves properly informed to the no-spin truth, and then go to work to solve this crisis with select nutrients rich in antioxidants and special regenerative repair factors proven to be highly effective against radiation poisoning. Examples of short term health threats pertain to:18
Ø Pregnant women for premature births;
Ø Our infants for pneumonia, influenza and septicemia (i.e., up to 900% greater death rate from normal in regions
receiving the most low dose Fall-Out - see Dr. Sternglass quote below); and
Ø Our adults and senior citizens most at risk for immune deficiency crises.
A: Over the long term:Cesium-137 will concentrate in thefatty tissues, Iodine-131 in thethyroid gland, breast tissuesandovaries, Strontium-90 and Uranium-235/234 in thebone, and Uranium-235/234 and Plutonium-244 in theliver. Even to this very day, the children in Belarus are suffering from toxic overloads of Cesium-137 in their bodies due to the 1986 Chernobyl incident.83, 84 Examples of long term health threats specifically pertain to:
Ø Our children for thyroid cancer, leukemia and learning defects;85, 88, 99
Ø Our women for breast cancer (i.e., only 18% of American women live within 100 miles of nuclear power plants, yet this small group accounts for 55% of all
breast cancer cases in the U.S.);117
Ø Our general population for various forms of chronic degenerative diseases, including the crippling neurological diseases.70, 72
To avoid this, these radioactive metals need to be removed from our tissues just as fast as they arrive. So, keep reading!For further example, we must think both in terms of initial impact, as well as long term impact on mortality (death) and morbidity (injury) rates.
Initial Impact:
We have a great deal of lessons learned from the case related to the April 1986 Chernobyl incident concerning a single reactor's complete meltdown. If I were defining stages to a meltdown, I would use the following guidelines:(I), 110-113
Ø Phase I Meltdown is when hydrogen gases build up to the extent that the outer containment structure explodes or vents large amounts of steam containing
Ø Phase II Meltdown is when the outer coatings to the fuel rods (Zircaloy) exceed 2000oF, and the inner most containment structure cracks and starts seeping
heavier elements into the environment, i.e., Barium-140, Plutonium-244/240/239/238, and/or Uranium-235/234.
Ø Phase III Meltdown is when the Zircaloy ignites causing an explosion, resulting in a global catastrophic event because the most lethal of all radioactive
isotopes, Plutonium-244/240/239/238 and/or Uranium-235/234 are jettisoned high into the atmosphere, and proceed to contaminate across the globe.
We now know that as of March 16th, Fukushima's nuclear reactor units 1, 2 & 3 have all experienced at least Phase I Meltdown, and since Plutonium has been detected in the outer environment, one or more Units is likely to have experienced a Phase II Meltdown according to the above criteria.119Plus we have fuel rods in non-containment shielded pools of water at Units 4, 5 & 6. These are also potentially prone to release toxic radioactive isotopes or possibly explode if water levels should fall and expose these rods to open air for sufficient time periods (see National Academy of Science report: NAS3-15-05.pdf). Phase I Meltdown has occurred at least in Unit 4.
The only difference the pundits may now debate is related to the fact that these exposed reactor cores and exposed fuel rods have yet to suffer a powerful secondary Zirconium oxide (Zircaloy) explosion as Chernobyl appears to have undergone back in April of 1986.(I) Now at least one top expert, Helmut Hirsch, states the damage at Fukushima according to standards under the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) now equals that of the Chernobyl incident.122 Yet, to counter these experts, the big guns have been pulled out. Scientific American on April 6th reports that, "Wolfgang Weiss, chairman of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), also said the Fukushima disaster was less dramatic than Chernobyl in 1986 but "much more serious" than Three Mile Island in 1979. "It is in between in terms of environmental effects, not in terms of health impact," Weiss told reporters." Weiss goes on to report that the only "proven" health disaster from the Chernobyl incident was thyroid cancer in children.128 Hmmmm. Nice try UNSCEAR, but until you start discussing the Petkau Effect and the latest reports on both Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, you will have a difficult time convincing the common sense crowd.129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134
Common sense tells us a different story regarding Chernobyl's immediate aftermath. According to what was experienced here in the U.S., a meticulously compiled report by a top U.S. expert told us a very different story in the Fall of 1987. And for his efforts, he was blacklisted:(B), 41
"(Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass of the University of Pittsburgh) presented at the First Global Radiation Victims Conference in New York in September 1987, impressively conveyed the seriousness of the radiation problem. The infant mortality rate following the arrival of the Chernobyl fallout in early May of 1986 showed a 54% increase in June 1986 in the Pacific region of the United States. Washington State had the highest rate in the region with a 245% increase in deaths per thousand live births. California was next highest with a 48% increasein infant mortality as compared to June of the year before. These high rates lasted for July and August. Massachusetts led the nation in post-Chernobyl increase of infant mortality rate with an increase of 900% per thousand live births! Massachusetts also had a decline of 70% in newborns. The rate of live births also decreased throughout the country in response to the Chernobyl fallout. The US fertility rate decreased 8.3% in July and August to the lowest level ever observed in United States history."
Long Term Impact:
But the long term impact of the Chernobyl incident is even more devastating as has been recently brought to light by two independent research groups. Here in the U.S., the Radiation And Public Health Project (RPHP) organization, a not-for-profit group comprised of renown researchers in the field of nuclear-related epidemiology, has comprehensively compiled the death rates due to the 1986 Fall-Out over a decade or more.88, 100 And in 2007, The New York Academy of Sciences published a report from Russian investigators on the corresponding Eastern European holocaust.99 Together, these two respective groups document that the collective U.S. and European death toll from this single event has now surpassed two (2) million and continues to grow due to the ongoing food chain contamination issue!
In Review:
According to the best evidence to date pertaining to North America, over the next five (5) years this may/will lead to significantly greater risks to:(A), (B), 18, 19, 22, 85, 88
Ø Pregnant women for premature births;
Ø Our infants for pneumonia, influenza and septicemia;
Ø Our children for thyroid cancer, leukemia and learning defects;
Ø Our women for breast cancer;
Ø Our adults and senior citizens most at risk for immune deficiency crises; and
Ø Our general population for various forms of chronic degenerative diseases including autoimmune diseases as well (more on this to follow shortly).
Bending Fear Into Insight
Q: What is the sequence to these risks we will face in the coming days from this radioactive Fall-Out?
A: The Fall-Out will present in THREE forms or threats to our health:
1. The first will be the immediate airborne threat over the next several weeks heading into the U.S. For comparative analysis that may pertain to fall-out coming out of a Fukushima Meltdown, John Christensen working as a staff scientist in Berkeley Labs Earth Sciences Division has co-authored a study describing how lead pollution travels from Asia to the U.S.. His research - based in part upon photos taken by NASA's Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor - was recently published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology (see fallout map to immediate left).42
We are now concerned with the most lethal radioactive particles should they become airborne. Since Reactor Units 1, 2 & 3 all experienced hydrogen explosions prior to March 14, we know that the outer coating to the fuel rods had become overheated.112 The outer coating is composed of Zirconium oxide which when combined to steam is exothermic at all temperatures.(I) At temperatures below 2,000oF, this metal-steam combo releases vast amounts of hydrogen, which caused the initial super-pressure explosions.111 At the same time, this event also released airborne Iodide-131, Cesium-137/134, and Tellurium-132107 likely in sufficient quantities to initiate The Petkau Effect in both animals and humans for thousands of miles downwind once the particles embed into their respective host tissues.
@ normal criticality or normal flux of neutron energy < 1200oC then: 2(H2O) + Zr --> ZrO2 + 2(H2) --> releases vast amounts of hydrogen gas
However, if these fuel rods become exposed to open air because of a coolant leak, high-intensity meltdown of the core initiates. Temperatures would quickly surpass the previous ranges, and could easily set up the big one. For example, if temperatures exceed 1500oC or 2,732oF (which is possible since high-intensity meltdown temperatures - due to low coolants or low water - easily approach 5,000oF), Zircaloy becomes highly ignitablein the presence of super-heated steam and adequate oxygen.(I), 113 So, when water is finally added back into the picture, bingo...
@ prompt criticality or high-flux of neutron energy ("takeoff" threshold) > 1500oC then: 2(H2O) + Zr --> ZrO2 + 2(H2) --> super heated ZrO2 + O2 --> ignition --> explosion --> nanoparticle release of radioactive elements, most alarmingly Plutonium-240/239/238.
This would not be a small explosion like we saw on T.V., this would be much more powerful. Why?
Collectively, these fuel rods contain lots of Zircaloy which could translate into quite an explosion. Most nuclear power plants have between 20 to 25 tons of total Zircaloy on site, but because Fukushima has 6 Reactors, we may be looking at closer to 100 tons of this explosive material now at risk, and about 400 tons of nuclear fuel or more.110, 126 An explosion of such magnitude, especially if it involved Fukushima Reactor Unit 3, would likely cause a global catastrophic event. This is because the fuel rods in Unit 3 are enriched with Plutonium (MOX fuel rods). If that happens, due to the extreme toxic effects from inhaling plutonium (it is perhaps one of the most toxic substances known), cancer death rates would skyrocket across much of the world, despite official propaganda bullet points which try to minimize the concerns.120And most unfortunately for Japan, an area the size of Pennsylvania outward from Fukushima would likely become uninhabitable for thousands of years.(L)
Such an event would give The Petkau Effect a whole new meaning. Hopefully, secondary explosions of Zircaloy itself will be prevented. To that end, the world's largest cement pumps are now underway to Fukushima (as of April 1st) which will be initially used to pump in vast amounts of water. Although Hedehiko Nishiyama, an official at Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, stated it may not be possible to entombed the Reactors with cement,125 others disagree.127
If it becomes the plan to bury the Reactors Units 1-3 at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in hundreds of thousands of tons of cement, this could take months to complete. Just as with Chernobyl, this may be the only way to contain or prevent the secondary explosions many times more lethal than the first salvo.118 In the mean time, we wait, hoping for the best. So, what of the initial salvo of explosions?
Depending upon which "starting date" you use (the date of the first detection of radioactive cesium being airborne or when helicopter crews from the USS Ronald Reagan were first documented to have been exposed, i.e., March 14th, 2011), we can expect the West Coast of the U.S. to begin to receive at least minimal fallout within 7 to 10 days or possibly on the weekend of March 18th - 20th, 2011.
This may mean that by the 1st of April, the entire region of North America will have undergone the first round of Fall-Out exposure, even if at undetectable levels in many areas. As the upper air currents traveling in excess of 80 knots per hour repetitively cycle around the globe over and over again, the stock of radioactive airborne materials will fall out as part of normal rain fall or as simple dust particles. At these rates of speed, once the Fall-Out enters into the Jet Stream, the below graphic strongly supports an arrival of the first tier of Fall-Out into the U.S. Western shoreline for the weekend of March 18th - 20th.
In fact, it has just been confirmed as of Friday, March 18th, 2011, that low levels of radiation above normal have reached our Western shores.
More specifically, students at the University of Washington are now documenting Fall-Out in the NW. They have found radioactive Cesium-137/134, Iodide-133/132/131, and Tellurium-132 to date.
And as of March 24th, students at University of California in San Francisco had collected rainwater containing levels of radioactive Iodide-131 18,100% above legal EPA limits.121
Next, as of March 29th, the BBC reported that radioactive Iodide-131 has been detected in the U.K., 6,000 miles due West of Japan (meaning the Jet Stream, which goes from West to East, brought this radioactivity from Japan and into the U.K. soils over a distance of 18,000 miles).92
So, as of April 1st, 2011, what is the real story? Well, it appears we have three official versions. This is further confused by the fact that we are likely dealing with not just one Reactor core which has partially breached, but perhaps the cores to Reactor Units 1, 2 & 3 in all.
First off, as of March 29th, Fukushima Reactor Unit 2 was reported to have undergone at the very least a partial meltdown - meaning containment has been lost. This event was initially measured by workers of the plant's operators - Tokyo Electric Power Company or TEPCO, as leaking radiation 10 MILLION times greater than normal.108 Leakage of Plutonium-240/239/238 would be consistent with such high amounts of detected radiation, even if present in highly limited areas in and around the plant.
Within hours, higher up TEPCO officials recanted, and stated the release was closer to 100,000 times normal radiation levels.105
Still later in the week, this figure was lowered once again to just 10,000 times over the normal radiation levels.109
And as of the afternoon on April 1st, PST, TEPCO officials now claim the latest 10,000 figure is also inaccurate.116
Then we add to this the statements that 17 workers at Fukushima were exposed to a high, but non-lethal dose of radiation, and that three of them were exposed to almost double the amount as the others, but still in the non-lethal range.(K) So, what happens next? After a delay of several days, family members start reporting to the press that their son or daughter who worked at Fukushima during this crisis are now expected to die.118
Now each of these workers are required by law to wear a dose badge (called a dosimeter), which detects total radiation exposure. Obviously there is a disconnect between the badges of these folks, and the translation of the data to the press by the official spokespersons.
This begs the question, if you are really not trying to cover-up the seriousness of the problem, why not just take more comprehensive measurements and solve the issue? Or is the entire area covering Reactor Units 1, 2 & 3 simply too toxic to put humans into harm's way? And if that is the case, as is likely, why not simply use Robotics, something the Japanese are famous for? For now (April 1st), no one is saying. Well except for this as of April 3rd - TEPCO now says it's software must have a glitch because the readings are simply too high for their in-house scientists to believe. Really? What this unmistakably leaves us with is that TEPCO and Japanese officials appear to be resorting to conjecture, denial, pitiful excuses, or worse, a cover-up conspiracy.
And some of these arguments aiding the conjecture or cover-up can be quite clever. For example, some officials are claiming that if the 10 million times above normal level was an accurate reading, then other radioactive isotopes should be present that have not yet been reported. Well, if they are not taking accurate radiation level measurements, how can they expect to conduct a thorough scan for all the possible differing radioactive isotopes?
Notwithstanding, to date, Iodide-131, Cesium-137, Tellurium-132 and Plutonium-240/239/238 have all been detected in and around the nuclear power plant with the exception of Tellurium-132, which was detected in Fall-Out at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. The tracking for Xenon-133 (a leading indicator for tracking Fall-Out patterns) would help to indicate what the likely track is for the lighter radioactive elements as just listed (see below-right).106, 107
The presence of Plutonium-240/239/238 presents some real issues, most importantly, what is its source? The best guess at present is that the highly toxic MOX fuel rods found exclusively in Reactor Unit 3, which contain relatively high levels of Plutonium,114have suffered at least partial meltdown, and this is the source of the Plutonium in and around Fukushima.127
And on April 5th we learned from the New York Times of a confidential U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's report suggesting a full meltdown may be inevitable. For example, it now appears no coolant is getting to Reactor Unit 1, and that the fuel rods may be completely exposed. Plus investigators greatly fear a major aftershock could be the final crippling event to a total meltdown event (see next).135
Then as of April 7th, things got even worse with an event most feared by the scientific community - another serious aftershock. A 7.4 aftershock caused the entire Fukushima Daiichi plant to be once again evacuated. With all the water being poured into the weakened core containment areas consider this - that much water sitting in and around the damaged reactor cores shaking violently from a major aftershock could easily be the spark to a total meltdown event.136 Only time will tell.
Finally as we now await the results of this aftershock (which may take hours to days to properly assess), although the heavier radioactive nuclei are less prone to going airborne without an explosion, for the extremely small nanoparticles it is not inconceivable for radioactive nuclei like Americium-243/242/241, Plutonium-244/240/239/238 and Uranium-235/234 to get airborne and reach the Western shores of the U.S. as early as April 5th or 6th in trace amounts. So, we had better get prepared NOW.90, 91
Furthermore, you can now join a Nationwide effort to track this Fall-Out on an amateur basis. See:http://www.radiationnetwork.com/
2. The next threat will be when it enters into our water supply and food chain over the many weeks and perhaps months ahead, which will be most likely related to Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 - both with half lives of approximately 30 years.
3. The last threat stems from the extremely low levels of radiation which become ever present due to radioactive materials burrowing into our tissues. This will be by far the more deadly and insidious form of radiation poisoning to those living in North America, and is properly called The Petkau Effect. The Petkau Effect is in many ways identical to what happens when underground fires ignite and cannot be extinguished. Indeed, there are locations around the world where abandoned coal mines went ablaze and simply cannot be put out. Some of these have smoldered slowly out of control for 30 years or more. The same may occur within our very own bodies when radioactive Iodide-131, Cesium-137, Strontium-90 and Tellurium-132 enter our lungs as we breathe or in through our digestive tract when we eat or drink contaminated foods or water.(A), 22
In other words, unless you are a worker at a damaged nuclear power plant, or live within a few miles of Fukushima, for now you don't need to worry about acute spikes in radiation which are fleeting, since few will ever experience such an event.(K) You should be concerned about tiny scattered particles that settle into our tissues undetected, and not worry about amounts sufficient to trigger Geiger Counter alarms going off at airport check stations. The tiny amounts of exposure which are more likely to occur give off constant ionizing radiation that burns us at the molecular level over many years before causing a diagnosable issue.19
Also, the cloth-paper masks that many people use around their faces are useless to protect from these tiny particles. Sorry folks! You would need advanced charcoal filters that are quite bulky and more expensive to achieve any meaningful "up-front" protection for your lungs. Therefore, be forewarned that any official positions claiming that, "only low levels of radiation have been detected and therefore pose no real health threat to the American public," are suspect and should be viewed as phraseology more properly akin to either misinformation or outright propaganda.(B), 18
For example, at least one nuclear physicist appearing on a cable news channel on March 18th has already reported that the amount of radiation that has landed on U.S. soil would expose those proximal to it to "about the same amount of radiation we receive when we get a single dental X-ray." Well, excuse me, but once we ingest these particles, they continuously bombard us with radiation for days, weeks, months and even years before being eliminated. This is totally unlike that of a single dental X-ray which only exposes us to a one time milliseconds of exposure. Obviously this scientist has not yet taken the time to review The Petkau Effect.
No doubt many scientists will continue to compare apples to oranges by comparing diagnostic X-ray exposures to trace particles entering into our food chain and then our bodies from Fukushima Fall-Out. Or worse, is to hear our officials make statements to the effect that, "Only low levels of radiation have been detected, and these are well within government 'permissible' standards which poses no risk to the general public." All these comparisons or standards are the hallmark of unscientific constructs, since the government readily admits there is no such thing as safe levels of radiation.66 Most importantly, to my knowledge no one has compared The Petkau Effect, rad for rad, against extremely short diagnostic X-ray exposures in side by side tissue or animal studies. As clearly stated above, lethality is not linear in terms of dose of rads when The Petkau Effect is in play.
Putting The Petkau Effect aside for the moment, all additional amounts of radiation compound the already harmful levels in the environment. Since: (A) the start of the first above ground nuclear bomb testing (1950's & 60's), and then later from (B) the contributions of secret nuclear reactor radioactive releases and accidents (1970's up to the present day), collectively their radioactive Fall-Out isotopes influence our environment and food chain - via their half-life - for (C) decades (i.e., Cesium-137, Strontium-90, Tellurium-132 and Yttrium-91/90), and then furthermore for (D) hundreds and even tens of thousands of years (i.e., Americium-243/241, Plutonium-244 and Uranium-235/234).(H), 66
In Review:
So now we clearly see and understand:
(A) What the current threats are,
(B) How to track them, and
(C) For over what duration must we stay focused on them, enabling us to approach them one by one with...
(D) Real, permanent solutions.
Q: What has history already taught us that is essential for us to know to superimposed upon the above understandings?
A: History has taught us to "hope for the best," but "plan for the worst" and to educate oneself better than the politicians or their official scientific spokespersons!
Since WWII, over 555,000 TRILLION picocuries of radiation have been released into the Earth's biosphere much of it with a highly toxic half life exceeding tens of thousands of years.(H), 18 Thanks to this release of radiation into the global food chain, plus modern day exposures from all sources, the average human being contains 250,000 picocuries of radiation on any given day. And we are constantly adding in more. For example, an average glass of beer contains 390 picocuries.114
A picocurie is simply a specific amount or unit of radiation coming off any source that is radioactive. When radiation enters into a life form like human beings, it impacts the biology of that life form. Here in the U.S., the biological impact of picocuries upon our tissues is also given in specific amounts or units called rems.
Normal background radiation is said to be 0.24 rems per year. Yet, the average U.S. citizen from many man-made as well as natural sources receives 0.36 rems of radiation annually. For example, just one CAT Scan can add 0.69 rems into our tissue at one time. So, we are already receiving above normal background radiation levels before we become exposed to further accidents like Fukushima. Therefore, the next time any pundit says you are just going to receive new amounts of radiation below the normal background levels, realize this will add on top of your body's current radiation burden. Now here is the kicker. There is no "safe" level of radiation.66 Any new amounts added into our systems that invoke The Petkau Effect is playing Russian Roulette. Only by fortifying our innate resistance do we have the opportunity to check or neutralize this continuous lifelong threat.
When one considers the emerging evidence linking so many autoimmune diseases to environmental toxic exposures (including depleted uranium - DU - exposures within war zones69) UV radiation, cell phone radiation,137 irradiated foods,138 microwave cooking, etc..., this helps to explain the dramatic rise, for example, not only of Cancer, but also Hashimoto's Disease,51 Hypothyroidism Type 2, Diabetes Type 2,50 Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Lupus, Scleroderma, ALS,72, 73 MS,52 R.A., Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Universal Allergic Reactors, Alzheimer's Disease, infertility, Autism, Low Birth Weight, the rise in Birth Defects, Infant Failure to Thrive Syndromes (i.e., SIDS), etc...53, 54 With the exception of radon, specific links to endemics of autoimmune diseases and environmental regions of radioactivity are not being investigated or reported out of our government agencies, nor their official designated scientific agencies, which suggests a policy of cover-up.(B) Only emerging independent studies performed by not-for-profit dedicated scientists track these associations with cancer in humans which may arise from chronic, low level radiation poisoning.(B), (F) The under reporting of untoward effects stemming out of the Chernobyl incident is a classic example.
For example, attempts have been made to grossly underestimate the death rate from the Chernobyl incident, down to just 31 individuals!97 So, let's get this straight... U.S. cancer rates - into the tens of thousands -are much higher within a 100 mile radius of fully operational, intact, nuclear power plants as opposed to areas free from nuclear power plants, and yet a complete meltdown with an explosion occurring at a Russian nuclear power plant caused only 31 deaths??? See graph to immediate right.117 Russians must really be super human indeed. (In real truth, according to comprehensive research published by The New York Academy of Sciences in 2007, that low-ball figure was raised to 985,000 deaths attributable to the Chernobyl incident, which included the greater regions affected in the Ukraine, Belarus and pertaining Russian territories.)98, 99
In Review:
Now like no other time in human history, we must consume daily doses of select antioxidants and the building blocks to our internal antioxidant enzymes just to keep ahead of this destructive radioactive body burden. In this manner we may keep our innate resistance at optimal functional levels.
Q: What other misinformation or misapplied science is being reported by the main stream pundits?
A: Many scientists enlisted as expert spokespersons in the mass media are either intentionally or unintentionally confusing similar scientific phenomena as identical scientific phenomena.
Currently there are a group of esteemed physicists who are suggesting that low levels of radiation from multiple sources, can be beneficial. They are citing some very compelling evidence which suggests that cancer rates can actually go down, not up, with long term, low level exposures to toxic radioactive nuclei such as Cobalt-60 or Cesium-137. They also link this kind of radiation to the principles of "hormesis" something of which Eclectic Physicians are quite familiar with. And finally, they cite mineral rich hot springs which are known to emit low level radiation from a naturally occurring radioisotope called radon.30 In fact it is true that the hot springs in Attica, Lesvos and Ikaria Greece, and in the Misasa Hot Springs District of Japan are renown for spontaneous healings arising from proper use of these therapeutic waters. These springs typically present short term exposures to folks, and with levels of radon that have been naturally encountered by human beings for millennia. However, harmful sequelae appear to be associated with (A) longer exposure periods coupled to (B) higher levels of mixed radioactive contaminants (i.e., Uranium-244 plus radon), a sign of possible cumulative deleterious effects.56. 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
This illustrates what happens when nuclear physicists are looking in the wrong direction, even if for the right reason. Chernobyl and Fukushima are not identical in any way to natural radon exposures found in therapeutic hot springs. But their respective Fall-Out could compound the effects of the natural radon emissions in unknown ways. So, we must avoid forming premature conclusions which are not applicable to the actual, full scale context of this latest incident. Therefore in my book, there is no such thing as safe, low level exposures to "man-made" sources of radiation.(F), 55, 66
Indeed, to date, I am unaware of any positive health benefits attributable to the Chernobyl incident or exposures to depleted uranium (DU) such as happened in the U.S. Gulf-Wars.67, 68, 69, 70, 71 If any do exist, please send me the reports. I am aware of at least one report of how wild animals in and around Chernobyl have made a comeback, but I find it uncompelling. For example, after Reindeer herds which inhabited Chernobyl's fall-out zones ate contaminated lichen, they all were exterminated because of their exceedingly high tissue levels of Cesium-137, and this is still a serious problem for the children in the region today.63, 82, 83, 84
Additionally, radiation has a way of hiding its inherent lethality over many years for those wishing to rush through their studies. For example as just previously mentioned, careful collection of epidemiological evidence over nearly two decades paints a much clearer and dier end-result than those who rushed to judgment. A comprehensive study published 21 years after the Chernobyl incident, which carefully applied statistical analysis to regions most laden with Fall-Out, showed that not 31 deaths, but in reality 985,000 deaths resulted from this single catastrophe.99
Statisticians can omit or disqualify relating data points just as easily as they can include it. It depends upon what vested interests are in play,62 and/or the comprehensiveness of the statistician(s).(B), (F), 18
1. We should have first been focused on identifying disease associations other than cancer that arise out of
radiation Fall-Out, so these could be tracked over time, STARTING AT THE CELL and BELOW CELL LEVEL
(see below).
2.Then we should have been looking into populations which have lived within 100 miles of nuclear power
plants for several decades and their risk assessments for these associated radiation diseases, including
autoimmune disorders and all forms of cancer.
3. Then we could have been using these two subsets to focus in more accurately on long term health trends
of folks who were initially exposed to radioactive Fall-Out and their subsequent health experiences including
those of their children.88 This is the basis to Hypothyroidism Type 2, and I suspect other escalating glandular
and immune disorders, since insults upon the mitochondrial mechanisms appear to transfer down to offspring.(G)
As Abraham Lincoln admonished us, "You can fool some of the People some of the time, but not all of the People, all of the time."
Accounting for phenomena that suggests humans or animals actually benefit from select kinds of radiation exposure including radioactive Fall-Out.
These official government spokespersons and nuclear physicists are reminded about the principles established by the Father of modern cell physiology, Claude Bernard:47
Bending Insight Into Science We Can Trust
So how does Strict Determinism impact our current situation? Well, it is the principle which may very well save us. It is all about what principles or reference points we focus on to use as a directional heading & road map to get us out of this mess. This will determine what we must do.
But beyond that, without the proper reference points that include associated risks and adequate time periods to properly assimilate such differing kinds of data, confusion will prevail when trying to gauge radiation morbidity and mortality statistics from the latest incident at Fukushima. This will determine how long we must take action to protect ourselves.
For good reason, many of us feel we cannot trust those who we sent to represent us in our government farther than we can throw a dollar bill. This is because crony capitalism is hard at work, putting vested interests ahead of We, the People and common sense. When it comes to reporting to us the full facts relating to radiation releases and their impact upon our health, history tells us we are being highly manipulated, even after President Clinton led the first effort to expose the truth in 1997 (see Department of Energy's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Report in endnote 93 below, plus endnotes 94-96). This is because it has been the official Federal policy to withhold the truth about radiation exposures to the U.S. public since the 1950's for both military as well as private sector vested interests. So, we must realize WE are the government, not the paper pushers or vested interests or puppet masters who have taken up positions all throughout our government to insure we are kept from the full truth. Don't get mad about all this, just get educated. In the end, it is up to us to protect ourselves, our family, our neighbors and our country.93, 94, 95, 96
In summary, what are the proper reference points that will tell us here and now if low levels of any kind of radiation are potentially beneficial or harmful to human tissues? These reference points derive from those discovered by Abram Petkau, Gilbert N. Ling, and two other experts in BioEnergetics, relating to EIGHT factors:31, 32, 33
ØDoes the radiation level overwhelm the lipid antioxidant defenses of the host's tissues (e.g., are toxic levels of malondialdehyde or MDA produced and/or glutathione reserves depleted?). Or do the tissues recover and demonstrate healthy cell or tissue regeneration alongside optimal levels of functional lipid antioxidants (NAC, Glutathione, CoQ10(H), Vitamin E, Omega 3 oils, etc...)?
ØDoes the radiation disrupt or improve aerobic metabolism of the cell or tissue or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which displays optimal aerobic metabolism?
ØDoes the radiation improve the pH profile of the external and internal milieu of the cell or tissue or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which displays optimal pH?
ØDoes the radiation improve the structured water (polarized multilayers of water or PM water) within the cell or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which display optimal PM water?
ØDoes the radiation improve or harm the normal spectrum of mineral elements in the cell and their proper locations or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which displays optimal mineral reserves?
ØDoes the radiation improve or harm the special proline-rich-peptides within cells that are the scaffolding to the PM water in the cell or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which displays optimal proline-rich-peptide reserves?
ØIs the 'Phase Angle' of the body improved by the radiation exposure or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which displays optimal Phase Angle?
ØAnd finally, is the negative millivolts of the cell and tissues improved from the radiation exposure or lead to healthy cell or tissue regeneration which displays optimal millivolts?
Physicists who doubt that man-made, low level radiation falling within so-called: (A) "normal background radiation levels" or (B) "permissible radiation levels" causes massive harm would serve the general public very well by addressing the above questions. Until they do, they stand on inadequately circumspect data points.83-89
Eclectic physicians often specialize in BioEnergetics, the Fourth Pillar to The Regeneration Effect. And what these experts will tell you is that select low levels of radiation that disrupt cell membranes will trigger attempts in tissues to regenerate the damage, which is termed autophagy.49 Just enough autophagy with just enough antioxidants and reserves of their respective substrates (building blocks) and other essential factors like oxygen and you are ØØØ "In like Flint." But too much autophagy with too little antioxidants or when coupled to conditions of hypoxia (low oxygen levels), and you start generating vast numbers of premature cellular deaths, and over the longer term cancer or devastating autoimmune disease. Most folks over 50 have under saturated tissue levels of oxygen, so this is something we need to keep in mind.43 Additionally, other stores of environmental toxins or unhelpful lifestyles which include the standard American diet and smoking, will ensure low level radiation exposure can only increase risks to chronic degenerative diseases down the road. Perhaps most importantly, radioactive iodide may easily disrupt thyroid function permanently. With chronic lower thyroid hormone production, the risk to many chronic degenerative diseases dramatically goes up. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has failed to date to adequately appraise low thyroid conditions, so this only compounds inadequacies in statistical analysis.(G)
Therefore, only looking at cancer death rates without looking into the other diseases that can substitute in cancer's place, is misleading to say the least when examining radiation hormesis.
As an Eclectic Physician, my foremost concern about my own knowledge base is in regards to not knowing what I don't know about. It's one thing to know you don't know about a critical issue, but it is an entirely different matter when you don't know that you don't know about a critical issue. This is my blind spot, and it serves me well to chip away at my blind spots by practicing the Eclectic method as diligently as possible. The eclectic method is one of developing insight to see reality as it truly is. Insight is by definition the ability 'to view or determine a truth' about a critical issue from as many points of view at once, and that requires a team of trustworthy experts using the same method who remain in communication with each other. That surpasses mere reductionism (i.e., conventional sciences' current methodology), and extends into gaining clinical results where conventional thinking and practices simply fall short or fail, or are bound to fail by not preventing future catastrophic health consequences, such as what is befalling us now with this incident at Fukushima. That's who we are at the ICCTTM.
This being stated, how we have put this altogether (that is, what is actually occurring at the cellular level and why some animals in certain situations of radiation exposure may thrive while others die), is related to five things which we can use to overcome the trace amounts of radioactive fall-out from Fukushima. To us it all boils down to:
(A) The antioxidant capacity and potential (substrate reserves) of tissues,
(B) The steady or interrupted streams of free-radical formation (length of exposure),
(C) The capacity of the host to repair (which includes all eight factors listed above in bold),
(D) The prior cumulative stresses already present in the host, and
(E) Only then about radioactive dosage levels and toxic particle elimination.
Bending Trustworthy Science Into Solutions We May Implement Now
Q: What can I do now to protect myself from nuclear fall-out arriving from the meltdown of Japan's nuclear power plants?
A: The good news is that we can protect ourselves now. And furthermore, we may actually be able to use this incident to our advantage to induce unscheduled healing, if we keep on top of it.
What we must all do now is to fortify our internal cellular milieu and bring online our very own Regeneration Effect within. This turns the table in regards to Claude Bernard's principle of Strict Determinism, and enables us to achieve "what we damn well please" - that is - a favorable outcome. Specifically, we may still enjoy life free from the threat of low level radiation exposures, if we know exactly what to do. So let's begin...
1. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is the most powerful short term quencher of ionizing radiation. It is a nutrient, a simple amino acid from protein. For adults (weighing above 150lbs) , it may be taken in dosages of 500mg to 600mg daily for protection from toxic metals and other poisons. For younger adults weighing 100lbs to 149lbs, 400mg to 500mg daily affords adequate protection in most situations. In children weighing less than 100lbs, but above 50lbs, 200mg daily is a suitable dose. For infants, toddlers or children weighing less than 50lbs, 50mg to 100mg daily may be used in juice, as long as no sensitivity to NAC arises (i.e., light skin rashes). In this manner, NAC may be used daily on an indefinite basis, as it is a harmless amino acid our bodies will use to establish antioxidant defenses and aid the immune system. It is also an adequate remover (i.e., chelator - from the Greek which means that which "grabs onto or claws into") of toxic metals from the body, such as radioactive cobalt and directly and indirectly uranium.44, 45, 46 Uranium is quite stubborn about exiting without a fight and could require baking soda to speed things up - see references at very end of page - plus melatonin.23 Liver protection from fall-out radioisotopes like uranium, plutonium, etc... is nicely accomplished via combining NAC + Sea Vegetables (see next) + Melatonin + Selenium + small amounts of baking soda (see number 7 below for all advisories). Lastly - rarely some adults are sensitive to NAC, so be aware of special advisories regarding its long term use. In those cases, use high-quality Whey products.6, 7
2. Iodide is also a first line of defense mineral supplement, since it can out-compete radioactive iodide from entering into our bodies.11Kelp and other seaweeds are also excellent chelators of toxic metals from the body, especially if high fiber intake is also being incorporated into the diet.9, 10, 83, 84
Despite misinformation to the contrary, if you have no known allergy to shellfish or iodide, rationale supplementation with iodide can be a good thing. For average size adult women, daily Thyroid needs amount to 50mcg alone, while breast tissues, ovaries and other tissues collectively require up to 3000mcg daily. For men, their intake should be at least 1,000mcg daily, unless they are sensitive to the mineral.74, 75, 76 Eclectic physicians may use up to ten times or more of the female dose to treat chronic fatigue and advanced Fibromyalgia with great success,77 as well as to detoxify out of the system the toxic halides bromide, chloride and fluoride.78
For example, individual tablets of Kelp, Irish Moss or Dulse typically contain on average 200mcg of iodine. So, 5 tablets taken at once may equal 1,000mcg of iodine. If 5 tablets are taken at each meal, then the daily dose of iodine from these sources alone would approach 3,000mcg daily. However as referenced above, building up slowly to this level is essential, as iodine tends to rinse out toxic body burdens of toxic fluoride, bromide and chlorine if present. Therefore, when high levels of iodine are taken too quickly without building up to optimal levels, these toxic elements may exit en mass too quickly causing skin rashes, minor hair loss, or very rarely even asthmatic reactions. Eclectic physicians will neutralize this sensitivity with up to 3,000mg daily of Vitamin C.79 But by simply discontinuing the supplement for several days, skin or hair issues should quickly clear up on their own. But if you do experience anything more dramatic, check in with your doctor right away. So always increase slowly and according to tolerance to avoid getting into this kind of situation to begin with. Remember, iodine is an essential nutrient our bodies must have every day to make adequate levels of essential hormones.
If sensitivities to iodine do surface, and then clear after discontinuing, and you want to resume taking iodine supplements, check in with your doctor and see if he or she will allow you to begin taking 3,000mg of Vitamin C daily, and then give you the go-ahead to start with very small iodine of iodine daily (1/4 tablet daily). Slowly work up to a maximum of 1 tablet daily, and report to your doctor if your tolerance to iodine at this level of intake is secure. Gradually over time, most folks can up their dosage in this manner, although more slowly than other people. Several months down the road, one initially sensitive may find themselves able to take 400mcg to 1,000mcg daily if patience rules the process. In the rare event any intake of iodide causes resumption of symptoms, including minor hair loss, substitute Chlorella or Spirulina below.
3. Chlorella (and other blue green algae) is a superior protector and chelator of radioactive metals from the body and contains no less than 20 superior neutralizers to radioactive poisons. 5 per meal (250mg each or 1250mg per meal) is a great dose for adults, 3 per meal for young adults and children, and 1 per meal for the very young. Make sure the Chlorella brand you buy has the outer cell wall "cracked" for best absorption. More may be taken, but it is suggested to never exceed 40 tablets daily for adults. Spirulina is a very acceptable cheaper alternative, although the taste is more objectionable for children.3, 4, 29
4. High quality bone meal (rich in Calcium & Strontium Hydroxyapatite) will also protect against radioactive strontium poisoning and penetration of uranium into bone. 3 per meal as labeled is suggested for adults, young adults and children, and 1-2 per meal for the very young.12
5. Natural Vitamin E Complex - To stop cell membrane destruction. 800iu per day is an excellent dose for average adults, and 400iu per day for young adults and children. Toddlers and infants may be given 100iu per day in juice. (Side Note: Krill Oil, CoQ10(H) and Melatonin are more powerful than Vit. E, but also more expensive. See below...)
6. Consuming High fiber and seaweed dishes on a regular basismust be used to maximize the best effects of the above tools. These will help insure removal (chelation) of toxic radioactive metals from the body.
7. Baking soda - Should be taken only on rare occasions, that is, only if exposures to uranium or plutonium can be confirmed, even in trace amounts, for your area. Baking soda is an efficient means to remove these metals quickly (especially uranium). There are several medical conditions which contradict taking baking soda, so be sure you have doctor's clearance before consuming baking soda. Taking baking soda once weekly should pose no health threat if no other medical conditions are present which require restriction of sodium intake. For adults with no medical contraindications, and who have good reason to believe they have been exposed to traces of radioactive fall-out, especially uranium, taking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 cup water or juice up to seven (7) times daily on an empty stomach - on one day out of every seven days - may be warranted. If you have a day of fasting each week, or one of light eating, this would be the perfect day to perform this procedure; but again, only if it has been confirmed you were likely exposed to extremely low levels of the radioactive heavy metals such as uranium. Please see the long list of abstracts regarding baking soda as an effective chelator of radioactive elements at the very end of this document).14, 15
Bone Meal (protects against radioactive Strontium-90);
Chlorella (protects against most radioactive metals);
Kelp (protects against radioactive iodide and other radioactive metals);
Pectin from fruits and jams - sugar-free & artificial sweetener-free (protects against Cesium-137);83
Probiotics - several billion per capsule per meal (protects against radioactive Strontium-90);16, 17
Food grade Zeolite from reputable sources (more on this wonderful substance in my upcoming book).101, 102, 103, 104
Professional Guidelines: In the unlikely event of an emergency concerning acute radiation poisoning, baking soda may be used when directly exposed to high levels of radioactive isotopes (Americium-243/242/241, Barium-140, Cesium-137, Plutonium-244/239/238, Strontium-90/89, Tellurium-132, Uranium-235/234, Yttrium-91/90, etc...):
Under a doctor's supervision, baking soda coupled to the above are tools of choice to remove these toxic metals from the body quickly.
For adults, up to 7 teaspoons of baking soda daily in divided dosages on an empty stomach may be used short-term (over 6 consecutive days) to accomplish significant decontamination, with route & rate of administration carefully considered by the physician. Another acceptable dosage schedule is to perform the above every other day for two weeks on, then resting for two weeks off of the baking soda schedule.
Now, couple this protocol to the lipid membrane protocol listed below with added probiotic supplementation and as appropriate use Aloe, Noni juice and SAW with a strict diet of no refined carbohydrates, and many of the most serious cases may gain lasting relief.7, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 25
Where run-a-way inflammation has taken hold, quadruple NAC intake & follow the natural aspirin (80mg/day), omega 3 oils (3gm/Day or fish oils, or 1gm/day of Krill oil) & GLA (from borage oil - 2gm/day) with cherry concentrate, curcumin (up to 2gm/day) and boswellia (1gm/day), plus natural anti-histamines such as quercetin (250mg three times daily). See: http://doctorapsley.com/AspirinandSynergistsforCancer.aspx.
In the extremely unlikely event of more grave situations, intravenous administration of 5% baking soda (in 500cc), glutathione (2gm), reduced CoQ10 (300mg), sodium ascorbate (10gm), Omega 3 oils (2gm), NAC (5gm) and elemental selenium (1mg) as sodium selenite can be administered daily over the course of a week or two, with good success where patient is incapable of ingesting oral supplements.
Additionally, two herbal medicines which are very potent antidotes to high radiation exposure are: high-quality Aloe vera juice 20(for any radiation burns, internal or external), and Noni juice 13 (Morinda citrifolia). Also, eliminate all refined sugar from the diet.
Very importantly, bowel movements are key to removing offending radioactive isotopes from the body and should utilize pectin or alginate or chitin laden fiber products, and as possible, a series of colonics utilizing 3% baking soda.
If skin exposure has been confirmed, then infrared saunas using niacin and intense sweats are key, so long as the sweat can be collected on towels during the twice daily 30 minute treatments which are properly disposed of.
Lastly, emerging evidence suggests that one species of structured water (Fullerene-C60) may be able to protect normal cells from harmful effects of radiation therapy while simultaneously enhancing results of radiation therapy.8 More studies are needed to confirm this theory.
Examples of Protection Schedules According to Body Weight & Budgetary Allowances
Q: What is the one, least expensive method to protect oneself from radioactive Fall-Out?
A: Eating an abundance of sea vegetables (all edible seaweeds) at each meal (chewed well), while eliminating all refined foods, especially sugar.9,10, 81Sea vegetables are not only rich in iodine and other trace elements, but also in chlorophyll, alginate and selenium, substances very efficient at grabbing onto toxic metals and removing them from the body. Chlorophyll also aids in repair to damaged tissues. The key is liberating the goodies from sea vegetables, and cooking methods and blenders are helpful in this regard. Alternatively, Kelp or Irish Moss (also known as Bladderwart) or Dulse tablets can substitute for ingesting sea vegetables.
[SPECIAL NOTE # I: Most individual tablets of (1) Kelp, (2) Irish Moss or (3) Dulse - regardless of brand - contain 200mcg of iodine, plus or minus 50mcg. Each single tablet provides the minimal unit of which is an acceptable starting dosage of intake for all, providing no sensitivity to iodine is present. After all, these are simply tablets of sea vegetables, which have been consumed by human beings for millennia].
[SPECIAL NOTE # II: When sensitivity to iodine is an issue, and Vitamin C does not calm the sensitivity,79 substitute the more expensive (4) green-algae Chlorella (cell-wall cracked) or the lesser expensive (5) blue-green algae Spirulina to safely intervene against radioactive Fall-Out].34, 35, 36, 37
Q: What are the top two tools to protect oneself from initial stages of radioactive Fall-Out?
A: NAC & Kelp (must not be allergic to shellfish or iodine. If allergic, switch off of Kelp and onto Chlorella or Spirulina):
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs): 500mg to 600mg NAC at breakfast, and 5 Kelp tablets with each meal.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 300mg to 500mg NAC at breakfast, and 3 tablets of Kelp with each meal.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs): 100mg to 250mg NAC at breakfast, and 1 tablet of Kelp with each meal sprinkled into juice.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs): 50mg to 100mg NAC, and 1 tablet Kelp daily sprinkled into juice.
Q: What are the top two least expensive tools to protect oneself from initial stages of radioactive Fall-Out?
A: Kelp & Spirulina (plus high fiber foods such as raw apples, pears, grapes, cherries, plums, blue berries, etc...).80, 81
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs): 5 tablets of Kelp & 5 tablets Spirulina with each meal.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 3 tablets of Kelp & 3 tablets Spirulina with each meal.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs): 1 tablet of Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella(E) with each meal sprinkled into juice.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs): 1 tablet Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella daily sprinkled into juice.
Q: What are the top three tools to protect oneself from initial stages of radioactive Fall-Out?
A: NAC, Kelp and Chlorella.
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs): 500mg to 600mg NAC at breakfast, 5 Kelp tablets & 5 Chlorella tablets with each meal.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 300mg to 500mg NAC at breakfast, 3 tablets of Kelp & 3 Chlorella tablets with each meal.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs): 100mg to 200mg NAC at breakfast, 1 tablet of Kelp & 1 tablet of Chlorella with each meal sprinkled into juice.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs): 50mg to 100mg NAC, 1 tablet Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella daily sprinkled into juice.
Q: What are the top four tools to protect oneself from initial stages of radioactive Fall-Out?
A: NAC, Kelp, Chlorella and Krill Oil.
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs):500mg to 600mg NAC at breakfast, 5 Kelp tablets & 5 Chlorella tablets with each meal + 1 cap Krill Oil.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 300mg to 500mg NAC at breakfast, 3 tablets of Kelp & 3 Chlorella tablets with each meal + 1 cap Krill Oil.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs):100mg to 250mg NAC at breakfast, 1 tablet of Kelp & 1 tablet of Chlorella with each meal crushed & sprinkled into juice + 1 cap Krill oil squeezed & blended into milk or juice.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs):50mg to 100mg NAC, 1 tablet Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella daily crushed & sprinkled into juice + 1 cap Krill Oil squeezed & blended into milk or juice.
Q: If the lipid membranes are the core issue to The Petkau Effect, what are the best tools to prevent membrane damage during initial stages of contamination?
A: Many physicians would chose R-alpha lipoic acid (thioctic acid) as their first choice since it will powerfully retard lipid membrane ionization. But unfortunately, lipoic acid tends to bind metals and deposit them into the nucleus of cells (as opposed to removing them from the body).24, 26Therefore, it is best to use Krill oil, or 'reduced' co-enzyme Q10 [CoQ10(H)], or Natural Vitamin E(D) and Melatonin to accomplish a better end result. Krill oil, CoQ10(H) and Vitamin E would neutralize the ionizing effects onsite, while Melatonin would also seek to safely remove the offending radioactive particle from the body (via the bile route of elimination provided there is adequate fiber).7, 21, 23, 25In order of strength, Krill Oil reigns supreme, then CoQ10(H), then Melatonin, and finally Vitamin E. But for the kinds of low dose exposures North America is likely to receive, natural Vitamin E complex should provide adequate protection if taken ahead of exposures. Melatonin is a superior multitasking nutrient and so serves purposes beyond the others. Therefore, this is a prudent tool to include if budget allows. In summary, budget prudently for the suggested schedules below, and if necessary, eliminate Krill oil in favor of Vitamin E, eliminate NAC in favor of extra Chlorella, and substitute Spirulina over Chlorella to save money as necessary.
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs): 500mg to 600mg NAC + 800iu Natural Vit. E at breakfast + 1 cap Krill oil; 5 Kelp tablets, 5 Chlorella tablets with each meal; and 10mg Melatonin at bedtime.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 300mg to 500mg NAC + 400iu Natural Vit. E at breakfast + 1 cap Krill oil; 3 tablets of Kelp & 3 Chlorella tablets with each meal, and 3mg Melatonin at bedtime.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs): 100mg to 250mg NAC + 200iu Natural Vit. E at breakfast + 1 cap Krill oil squeezed & mixed into milk or juice; 1 tablet of Kelp & 1 tablet of Chlorella with each meal; and 1mg Melatonin at bedtime.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs): 50mg to 100mg NAC, 100iu Natural Vit. E, 1 cap Krill Oil squeezed & mixed into milk or juice, 1 tablet Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella daily sprinkled into juice; and 500mcg chewable Melatonin at bedtime
Q: In view of the long term consequences from nuclear power plant meltdown, what maintenance schedules should be incorporated to best help us all prevent cancer decades down the road?
A: Kelp, Spirulina, Natural Vitamins C & E,(D)high-quality Bone Meal, high-end probiotics (acidophilus), and Melatonin + selenium along with my Getting Started tab above for complete menu planning.
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs): 400iu Natural Vit. E plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics at breakfast; 2 Kelp tablets, 3 Spirulina tablets & 2 Bone Meal tablets with each meal; and 10mg Melatonin at bedtime with 400mcg selenium from selenomethionate.Also, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is to be ingested daily.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 400iu Natural Vit. E plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics at breakfast; 2 tablets of Kelp, 2 Spirulina tablets & 2 Bone meal tablets with each meal, and 3mg Melatonin at bedtime with 400mcg selenium from selenomethionate. Also, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is to be ingested daily.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs): 200iu Natural Vit. E plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics at breakfast; 1 tablet of Kelp, 1 tablet of Chlorella and one Bone Meal with each meal (all sprinkled into juice as appropriate); and 1mg chewable Melatonin at bedtime with 100mcg - 200mcg selenium from selenomethionate.Also, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is to be consumed daily. Chewable Vitamin C tablets may be substituted IF the brand is LOW in sugar.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs): 100iu Natural Vit. E, 1 tablet Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics plus 2 Bone Meal capsules opened & sprinkled into juice daily; and 500mcg chewable Melatonin at bedtime with 50mcg selenium from selenomethionate.Lastly, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is attempted to be given daily.Chewable Vitamin C tablets may be substituted IF the brand is LOW in sugar.
Best Long Term Protocol: I (Dr. Apsley) have an extended family, with children ranging in ages from 34 down to 11, and three grandkids ages 4 & 2 years of age. My recommended maintenance schedules to my family are provided below:
ØAverage adults (weighing +150lbs): 250mg to 300mg NAC + 400iu Natural Vitamin E plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics & 3 capsules Krill Oil at breakfast; 2 Kelp tablets, 3 Chlorella tablets & 2 Bone Meal tablets with each meal; and 10mg Melatonin at bedtime with 400mcg selenium from selenomethionate. Also, one to three effervescent Vitamin C drinks are to be ingested daily.
ØYoung adults and larger children (weighing 100lbs - 149lbs): 250mg to 300mg NAC + 400iu Natural Vit. E plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics & 2 caps Krill Oil at breakfast; 2 tablets of Kelp, 2 Chlorella tablets & 2 Bone meal tablets with each meal, and 3mg Melatonin at bedtime with 400mcg selenium from selenomethionate. Also, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is to be ingested daily.
ØFor smaller children (weighing 50lbs - 99lbs): 100mg NAC + 200iu Natural Vit. E plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics & 1 cap Krill Oil at breakfast; 1 tablet of Kelp, 1 tablet of Chlorella and one Bone Meal with each meal (all sprinkled into juice as appropriate); and 1mg chewable Melatonin at bedtime with 100mcg - 200mcg selenium from selenomethionate. Also, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is to be consumed daily. Chewable Vitamin C tablets may be substituted IF the brand is LOW in sugar.
ØFor the very young (weighing less than 50lbs): 50mg to 100mg NAC, 100iu Natural Vit. E, 1 tablet Kelp & 1 tablet Chlorella plus 1 capsule high potency Probiotics plus 2 Bone Meal capsules opened & sprinkled into juice daily; and 500mcg chewable Melatonin at bedtime with 50mcg selenium from selenomethionate. Lastly, one effervescent Vitamin C drink is attempted to be given daily.Chewable Vitamin C tablets may be substituted IF the brand is LOW in sugar.
Q: If I am pregnant or am a nursing mother, what can I do to antidote my exposures to radiation without harming my baby?
A: This is a great subject. If you have good reason to believe you are being exposed to traces of nuclear fall-out, going very slowly but 'preemptively' is the key. Or proceed according to your doctor's instructions. Never take baking soda if pregnant or nursing, unless instructed to do so by your physician. The below presumes you are already taking a HIGH POTENCY doctor approved prenatal or nursing multivitamin/multimineral supplement. Drink lots of SAW & eat lots of fiber!!! And do not use microwave ovens please! See my Getting Started tab above.
ØStarting Schedule for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers: 1 tablet of Chlorella (or 1 tablet Spirulina) + 1 tablet High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 500mg Vitamin C plus 1 capsule probiotics.
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule... If you experience difficulties of any kind, go through a process of elimination to find the offending item(s). Then restart sequence.
ØSecond Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 1 tablet of Chlorella (or 1 tablet Spirulina) + 1 tablet High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 500mg Vitamin C plus 1 capsule probiotics plus 1 tablet Kelp.
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Starting Schedule.
ØThird Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 1 tablet of Chlorella (or 1 tablet Spirulina) + 1 tablet High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 500mg Vitamin C plus 1 capsule probiotics plus 1 tablet Kelp plus 1 capsule Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil).
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Second Schedule.
ØFourth Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 2 tablets of Chlorella (or 2 tablets Spirulina) + 2 tablets High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 500mg Vitamin C plus 1 capsule probiotics plus 1 tablet Kelp plus 1 capsule Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil).
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Third Schedule.
ØFifth Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 2 tablets of Chlorella (or 2 tablets Spirulina) + 2 tablets High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 1,000mg Vitamin C plus 1 capsule probiotics plus 2 tablets Kelp plus 2 capsules Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil).
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Fourth Schedule.
ØSixth Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 3 tablets of Chlorella (or 3 tablets Spirulina) + 3 tablets High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 1,000mg Vitamin C plus 1 capsule probiotics plus 2 tablets Kelp plus 2 capsules Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil).
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Fifth Schedule.
ØSeventh Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 3 tablets of Chlorella (or 3 tablets Spirulina) + 3 tablets High Quality Bone Meal with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 1,000mg Vitamin C plus plus 2 tablets Kelp plus 1 capsule probiotics plus 2 capsules Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil) + 250mg NAC.
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Sixth Schedule.
ØEighth Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 3 tablets of Chlorella (or 3 tablets Spirulina) + 3 tablets High Quality Bone Meal plus 1 probiotic with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 1,000mg Vitamin C plus 2 tablets Kelp plus 2 capsules Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil) + 250mg NAC.
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Seventh Schedule.
ØNinth Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 3 tablets of Chlorella (or 3 tablets Spirulina) + 3 tablets High Quality Bone Meal plus 1 capsule probiotic with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 1,000mg Vitamin C plus 2 tablets Kelp plus 2 capsules Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil) + 400mg NAC, and take 1mg of Melatonin at bedtime.
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, continue onto the next schedule...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Eighth Schedule.
ØTenth & Final Schedule for Pregnant & Nursing Mothers: 3 tablets of Chlorella (or 3 tablets Spirulina) + 3 tablets High Quality Bone Meal plus 1 capsule probiotics with each meal. Then at only one meal per day take: 200iu Natural Vitamin E plus 100mcg organic selenium and 1,000mg Vitamin C plus 2 tablets Kelp plus 2 capsules Krill oil (or Fish Liver Oil) + 400mg NAC, and take 3mg of Melatonin at bedtime.
If after three days of taking above, no nausea or other discomfort arises if you are pregnant, or no mild skin rash or colic arises in your nursing baby, or any other suspicious symptom, you may remain at this final schedule indefinitely...If problems arise, discontinue until symptoms abate and resume the Ninth Schedule.
The above schedules are designed to build intracellular glutathione stores via melatonin, selenium and NAC rapidly over time - the key molecule the body uses to eliminate radioactive metals through the bile - plus adequate antioxidant reserves such as Vitamin E which defend against lipid and genetic associated free-radicals.23, 48 The above list of nutrients also doubles as valuable nutritional items that all human beings can use, providing no allergy or sensitivity arises with their use.
Q: What can I do to antidote my exposures to radiation therapy for my cancer?
A:Radiation toxicity from any source, including the after effects of radioablative therapy, can be detoxified or lessened and even reversed by the use of colloidal Regeneration Factors orcRFsTM.38, 39, 40, 65 Just be sure to take after radioablative therapy has completed or is placed on hold.cRFsTMderive from select raw foods which contain high amounts ofRNAor nucleoproteins as found in organ meats, nuts & seeds, sprouts, food-grade algae and bee pollen.(C) Folks who tend to get gouty cannot take high amounts of these select foods sources, but usually can handle some intake providing the source is raw and not cooked. For example, food grade algae products, which are raw, can serve such folks well if lots of SAW is being ingested as well. All protocols for diet under this website are high in these factors, i.e., SAW plusRNA-cRFsTM.
For an average size adult, the foremost factors one should focus on to reduce the toxic after affects from radioablative therapy are:
A. NAC (as above);6
B. Chlorophyll (found in sea vegetables, and richest in Chlorella or Spirulina - 5 per meal for adults);3, 4
C.cRFsTM - As found in Chlorella, Spirulina and organic organ meats such as liver, spleen and thymus in freeze-dried format. When taking capsules of organic
glandulars without algae products as above, up to a combined 12 to 18 capsules per day for an average adult is optimal. When taking with algae products
according to the above dosages, cut this amount in 1/2);1, 2, 65
D. Krill oil orVitamin E Complex (including delta and gamma tocopherols and tocotrienols taken as above). Krill oil is 300 times more powerful than Vitamin E
and 34 times more powerful than CoQ10 for reducing free-radical damage, mainly to cellular lipid membranes in the body;7, 21, 27, 28, 65
E.Lipoic acid as R-alpha lipoic acid (100mg three times daily for adults, 100mg daily for young adults and children, 25mg - 50mg daily for the very young - when
no toxic metal particles are involved - just gamma rays);7
F. Melatonin (1mg to 20mg at bedtime for adults, 1mg to 3mg for children and young adults respectively);5
G. Reduced CoQ10 or Ubiquinol (100mg daily for adults, 50mg per day for smaller adults and children, 25mg daily for the very young);7, 21
H. Vitamin C and Quercetin (1,000mg three times daily and 100mg three times daily respectively);7, 21
I. Organic Selenium as selenomethionate or when grown into kelp or other foods (400mcg - 600mcg daily for adults, 200mcg - 400mcg daily for young adults,
200mcg daily for children, 50mcg - 100mcg daily for the very young).21
J. Probiotics (1 per meal) + high-grade Aloe (1 ounce of liquid taken with each meal or 1 capsule of 200X - with Aloin removed).
In some cases, the intestinal tract can become severely irritated from combinations of chemotherapy wi
77. Abraham GE, Flechas JD. The effect of daily ingestion of 100mg iodine combined with high doses of Vitamins B2 and B3 (ATP cofactors) in five subjects with Fibromyalgia. The Original Internist, 2008
78. Abraham GE. Iodine supplementation markedly increases urinary excretion of fluoride and bromide. Townsend Letter, 2003;(238):108-9.
79. Abraham GE, Brownstein D. Evidence that the administration of Vitamin C improves a defective cellular transport mechanism for iodine: A case report. The Original Internist. 2005;12(3):125-30.
80. Bandazhevskaya GS, Nesterenko VB, Babenko VI, Yerkovich TV, Bandazhevsky YI. Relationship between caesium (137Cs) load, cardiovascular symptoms, and source of food in 'Chernobyl' children --
preliminary observations after intake of oral apple pectin. Swiss Med Wkly. 2004 Dec 18;134(49-50):725-9.
81. Hollriegl V, Rohmuss M, Oeh U, Roth P. Strontium biokinetics in humans: influence of alginate on the uptake of ingested strontium. Health Phys. 2004 Feb;86(2):193-6.
82. Gong YF, et al. Suppression of radioactive strontium absorption by sodium alginate in animals and human subjects. Biomed Environ Sci. 1991 Sep;4(3):273-82.
83. Hill P, Schläger M, Vogel V, Hille R, Nesterenko AV, Nesterenko VB. Studies on the current 137Cs body burden of children in Belarus--can the dose be further reduced? Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2007;125(1-
84. Nesterenko VB, Nesterenko AV. Decorporation of Chernobyl radionuclides. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Nov;1181:303-10.
85. Mangano JJ. Childhood leukemia in US may have risen due to Fall Out from Chernobyl, BMJ. 1997 Apr 19;314(7088):1200.
86. Graeub R. The Petkau Effect: Nuclear Radiation, People and Trees, Four Walls Eight Windows, NY, 1992. ISBN: 0-941423-72-7.
88. Gould JM. The Enemy Within: High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors, Four Walls Eight Windows, NY, 1996. ISBN: 1-56858-06605.
89. Walker JS. Permissible Dose: A History of Radiation Protection in the Twentieth Century, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2000. ISBN: 0-520-22328-4.
96. McGarity TO, Wagner WE. Bending Science: How Special Interests Corrupt Public Health Research. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2010. pp. 34-6.
99.Yablokov AV, Nesterenko VB, Nesterenko AV. Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences) (paperback ed.), Wiley-Blackwell,
101. Chapman KW, Chupas PJ, Nenoff TM. Radioactive iodine capture in silver-containing mordenites through nanoscale silver iodide formation.J Am Chem Soc. 2010 Jul 7;132(26):8897-9.
102. Zhang GH, Liu XS, Thomas JK. Radiation induced physical and chemical processes in zeolite materials. Radiation Physics And Chemistry, 1998 Feb;51(2):135-52.
103. Dyer A, Las T, Zubair M. The Use of Natural Zeolites for Radioactive Waste Treatment: Studies on Leaching from Zeolite/Cement Composites. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2000;
104. Forberg S, Jones B, Westermark T.Can zeolites decrease the uptake and accelerate the excretion of radio-caesium in ruminants?Sci. Total Environ. 1989;79:3741.
107. Leon JD, et al. Nuclear Experiment: Arrival time and magnitude of airborne fission products from the Fukushima, Japan, reactor incident as measured in Seattle, WA, USA, Cornell University Library
(Submitted on 24 Mar 2011 (v1), last revised 25 Mar 2011 (this version, v2)), arXiv.org > nucl-ex > arXiv:1103.4853.
Suppression of 125I-uptake in mouse thyroid by seaweed feeding: possible preventative effect of dietary seaweed on internal radiation injury of the thyroid by radioactive iodine.
Maruyama H, Yamamoto I.
Department of Pathology, Kitasato University School of Hygienic Sciences, Kanagawa, Japan.
We conducted an animal experiment to determine how dietary seaweeds rich in iodine and dietary fibers suppress radioactive iodine uptake by the thyroid, using mice and four kinds of experimental diets, three with 1% or 2% powdered fronds of the kelp Laminaria religiosa and 2% powdered laver Porphyra yezoensis, and one with cellulose. Iodine content of a hot-water extract of the kelp was 0.530 +/- 0.001%, and its dietary fiber (DF) values were 52.8 +/- 1.2%. Iodine in an extract of the laver was 0.008 +/- 0.001%, and its DF values were 41.4% +/- 0.7%. A statistically significant reduction of 125I uptake by the thyroid, 3 hours after intragastric administration of the radionuclide at a dosage of 18.5 kBq or 185 kBq in 0.3 ml aqueous solution per mouse, was observed in mice previously fed the experimental diets containing 1% and 2% kelp during periods varying from 24 hours to 7 days. The degree of the suppression was observed to depend on the amount of iodine in the diet or in the injected sample, no matter whether organic or inorganic, judging from the results of an additional experiment. Thus, we conclude that previously fed iodine-rich material, especially dietary seaweeds rich in iodine and other minerals, vitamins, and beta-carotene, such as kelps or laver supplemented with inorganic iodine, may be effective in prevention of internal radiation injury of the thyroid.PMID: 1344008
The effect of 23 sodium alginate preparations from different species of algae (Sargassum sp.) and kelp (Laminaria sp.) on reducing the absorption of strontium was studied in detail. A pilot production procedure has been established. Na alginate from S. siliquastrum was proven to be a potent agent for reducing Sr absorption, with high efficiency and virtually no toxicity. It reduced the body burden of strontium 3.3-4.2 fold in rats. Strontium absorption in human subjects was reduced by 78% (+/- 8.9) or completely suppressed the increase of serum Sr at 2 h after ingestion of stable Sr in volunteers and decrease 24 h urine Sr to similar extent. No undesirable effects on gastrointestinal function was observed nor were Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn metabolism changed, both in the animal experiments and in human. It was concluded that alginate preparations derived from Sargassum species are a suitable antidote against radiostrontium absorption on a long-term basis, when added to bread at a 6% level. In cases of emergency, an alginate syrup preparation appears to be more suitable because of its rapid action. PMID: 1764217
Institute of Radiation Safety (BELRAD), 2-nd Marusinsky St. 27, Minsk 220053, Belarus. anester@mail.ru
Tens of thousands of Chernobyl children (mostly from Belarus) annually leave to receive treatment and health care in other countries. Doctors from many countries gratuitously work in the Chernobyl contaminated territories, helping to minimize the consequences of this most terrible technologic catastrophe in history. But the scale and spectrum of the consequences are so high, that no country in the world can cope alone with the long-term consequences of such a catastrophe as Chernobyl. The countries that have suffered the most, especially Ukraine and Belarus, extend gratitude for the help that has come through the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as from private funds and initiatives. Twenty-two years after the Chernobyl releases, the annual individual dose limit in heavily contaminated territories of Belarus, Ukraine, and European Russia exceed 1 mSv/year just because of the unavoidable consumption of locally contaminated products. The 11-year experience of the BELRAD Institute shows that for effective radiation protection it is necessary to establish the interference level for children at 30% of the official dangerous limit (i.e., 15-20 Bq/kg). The direct whole body counting measurements of Cs-137 accumulation in the bodies of inhabitants of the heavily contaminated Belarussian region shows that the official Dose Catalogue underestimates the annual dose burdens by three to eight times. For practical reasons the curative-like use of apple-pectin food additives might be especially helpful for effective decorporation of Cs-137. From 1996 to 2007 a total of more than 160,000 Belarussian children received pectin food additives during 18 to 25 days of treatment (5 g twice a day). As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children's organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30 to 40%. Manufacture and application of various pectin-based food additives and drinks (using apples, currants, grapes, sea seaweed, etc.) is one of the most effective ways for individual radioprotection (through decorporation) under circumstances where consumption of radioactively contaminated food is unavoidable.PMID: 20002057
After the Chernobyl reactor accident wide areas of Belarus were contaminated with radioactive fallout. The verification and documentation of the long-term development of radiation doses is still going on. A population group of special concern are the children living in contaminated regions. The annual dose limit of 1 mSv is still exceeded in some cases, essentially due to high body burdens of 137Cs as indicated by screening measurements with portable incorporation monitors. In this situation the evaluation of possible dose reduction measures in addition to the control of food contamination is being investigated. Special attention is given to the therapeutic application of a pectin preparation (Vitapect), for which a dose-lowering effect is presumed by Belarusian scientists. In a placebo-controlled double-blind study, several groups of contaminated children received a pectin compound named Vitapect for a two-week period during their stay in a sanatorium. For comparison the same number of control groups were given a placebo preparation. The 137Cs body burden of the children was measured at the beginning and the end. The mean relative reduction of the specific activity within the Vitapect groups was found to be approximately 33%, whereas the specific activity of the children who received a placebo decreased only by approximately 14%, due to clean food supply. It is known that pectins chemically bind cations like cesium in the gastrointestinal tract and thereby increase faecal excretion. Theoretical calculations based on this assumption and considering metabolism processes are qualitatively consistent with the experimentally found retention of radiocesium in the human body after pectin treatment. PMID: 17314090
Pectin-containing products in the dietary nutrition of subjects exposed to ionizing radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station.
Effect of natural and enriched with pectin tanned fruits on radiation-induced metabolic disorders was studied in persons subjected to radiation due to Chernobyl accident. It was shown that products in question beneficially influenced blood antioxidant system as well as brought to the norm contents of triglicerides and albumins in patients with IIa and IV types of hyperlipoproteinaemia. PMID: 8079467
Studies Associated with NAC, Selenium, Vit. C & E, Lipoic acid and CoQ10 supplementation:
Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, Detroit, Michigan 48202, USA. sbrown1@hfhs.org
Antioxidants mitigate radiation-induced lethality when started soon after radiation exposure, a delivery time that may not be practical due to difficulties in distribution and because the oral administration of such agents may require a delay beyond the prodromal stage of the radiation syndrome. We report the unexpected finding that antioxidant supplementation starting 24 h after total-body irradiation resulted in better survival than antioxidant supplementation started soon after the irradiation. The antioxidant dietary supplement was l-selenomethionine, sodium ascorbate, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, alpha-tocopherol succinate, and co-enzyme Q10. Total-body irradiation with 8 Gy in the absence of antioxidant supplementation was lethal by day 16. When antioxidant supplementation was started soon after irradiation, four of 14 mice survived. In contrast, 14 of 18 mice receiving antioxidant supplementation starting 24 h after irradiation were alive and well 30 days later. The numbers of spleen colonies and blood cells were higher in mice receiving antioxidant supplementation starting 24 h after irradiation than in mice receiving radiation alone.A diet supplemented with antioxidants administered starting 24 h after total-body irradiation improved bone marrow cell survival and mitigated lethality, with a radiation protection factor of approximately 1.18.PMID: 20334518
[Comparison with the pharmacological actions of Morinda officinalis, Damnacanthus officinarum and Schisandra propinqua].
[Article in Chinese]
Qiao ZS, Wu H, Su ZW.
College of Pharmacy, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai.
There are three kinds of plants, Morinda officinalis (1), Damnacanthus officinarum (2), and Schisandra propinqua (3) whose roots have been used since the ancient time. In this paper, some of their pharmacological actions that are related to tonifying and invigorating Yang were examined and compared. The body weight, the thymus weight, the amount of leukocyte in the blood, and the continuing swimming times of the young mice could be increased with the oral administration of the water extractions of (1) and (2) (P less than 0.05-0.001). The Rt of M-receptor in the brains of the hypothyroidism mice were decreased after administration of the water extracts of (1) and (2) (P less than 0.05). (1) could also increased the amount of leukocyte in the blood of leukocytopenia mice caused by radiation of gamma-ray (P less than 0.01). (3) has not shown the obvious effects (P greater than 0.05). The results indicate that (1) and (2) have the ability of anti-fatigue, improving the immunological action of the young mice, and reducing the excitability of the para-sympathetic nervous system of the hypothyroidism mice through decreasing the Rt of M-receptor in their brains. All of them did not show acute toxicity, inducing mutation, and sexual hormone like actions. PMID: 1914038
Nowadays, phytogenous drugs are wildly used as radio protective substances. The aim of the research was to study radio protective characteristics of aloe juice fraction and to develop new technology for radio protective drug production. Technological scheme for getting the drug in two stages. The first stage - extraction of juice from fresh leaves; the second stage - extracting bagasse have been developed and optimal environment for bagasse extraction are defined: Infusion of bagasse with 96 % ethyl spirit (1:1) during 30 minutes, continuation of extracting with water on correlation to raw materials 10:1 at temperature of 70 degrees C during 30 minutes. For the basis of the first series of balanced loading there are taken the optimal parameters of extracting process, on the basis of which in its turn was developed technological scheme of getting dry extract of aloe. Dry extract is a fine-dispersed reddish-yellow (brownish-yellow) powder, which can be easily dissolved in warm (40-60 degrees C) water. Pharmacological researches were conducted in the Institute of General and Experimental Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian. Academy of Sciences. The remarkable radio protective effect of the drug was revealed. PMID: 19578223
Laboratory of Cell-Death Control BioTechnology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, 562, Nanatsuka, Shobara, Hiroshima 727-0023, Japan.
The UVA-irradiation of 10 J/cm(2) on HaCaT keratinocytes increased 59.1% of the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) by NBT assay and the cell viability decreased to 31.5% by WST-1 assay, comparing to the non-irradiated control. In the presence of fullerene-C60 (C60) incorporated in phospholipid membrane vehicle (LiposomeFullerene: Lpsm-Flln) of 250-500 ppm, they were restored to -9.1% to +2.3% of the ROS and 83.0-84.8% of the cell viability, but scarcely restored by the liposome without C60 (Lpsm). In HaCaT cells administered with Lpsm-Flln (150 ppm), C60 was ingested at the intracellular concentrations of 1.4-21.9 ppm for 4-24 h, and, intracellular C60 was excreted by 80% at 4h after rinsing-out, and decreased to 2-10% after 24-48 h. C60 was predominantly distributed around the outside of nuclear membrane without deterioration of intact cell morphology according to fluorescent immunostain. Thus Lpsm-Flln is found to be an effective antioxidant that could preserve HaCaT keratinocytes against UVA-induced cellular injury. Lpsm-Flln has a potential to serve as a cosmetic material for skin protection against UVA. Copyright 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Institute of Oncology, Department of Experimental Oncology, Sremska, Kamenica, Serbia.
Radiotherapy-induced toxicity is a major dose-limiting factor in anti-cancer treatment. Ionizing radiation leads to the formation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) that are associated with radiation-induced cell death. Investigations of biological effects of fullerenol have provided evidence for its ROS/RNS scavenger properties in vitro and radioprotective efficiency in vivo. Therefore we were interested to evaluate its radioprotective properties in vitro in the human erythroleukemia cell line. Pre-treatment of irradiated cells by fullerenol exerted statistically significant effects on cell numbers and the response of antioxidative enzymes to X-ray irradiation-induced oxidative stress in cells. Our study provides evidence that the pre-treatment with fullerenol enhanced the enzymatic activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in irradiated K562 cells.PMID: 18285660 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda):
A study of the acidosis, blood urea, and plasma chlorides in uranium nephritis in the dog, and of the protective action of sodium bicarbonate.
Goto K.
Methods: The presence of an acidosis in dogs with experimental uranium nephritis is demonstrable by the Van Slyke-Stillman-Cullen method and that of Marriott. It is detected more readily by the former method. This acidosis is associated with increase in the blood urea and plasma chlorides and with the appearance of albumin and casts in the urine. Results: The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the acidosis, the increase in plasma chlorides, the amount of albumin and casts in the urine, and, to a lesser degree, the increase in the blood urea following the administration of uranium. It also diminishes the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys. Conclusions: The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate to normal dogs raises the carbon dioxide content of the plasma as determined by the Van Slyke-Stillman-Cullen method, and reduces the nephrotoxicity associated with uranium exposure in dogs