Thank you so much for taking part in Grassfire's "Join The Resistance" campaign. I'm thrilled to report that in just one week, more than 100,000 citizens have joined the Resistance!
This is great news, especially with more and more reports about the very aggressive agenda President-elect Obama has set for the first days of his administration.
Obama's promised executive orders alone will shut down oil and gas exploration, push radical global warming policies and force taxpayer funded abortions. And now Obama is promising more massive bailouts that will further expand government power.
+ + Our Goal: 200,000 Resisters This Week!
In order to reach our goal of 1 million Resisters by Inauguration Day, we must cross 200,000 this week.
We have already begun aggressive efforts to get the word out through conservative radio, Drudge Report and other means. But I need your help to spread the word TODAY:
Please forward this message to your conservative friends right now and ask them to Join The Resistance. Your friends can go here to sign:
Also, my staff is finalizing Grassfire's booklet "Living In An Obama Nation" which outlines the 21 greatest threats the Obama Administration poses to your family and our nation. I expect to have this 4age booklet to the printer tomorrow and shipping on time before the end of the month.
To request your copies or for a sneak peek inside the booklet, go here:
Thank you so much for taking a stand with Grassfire! Together, we can mount a patriotic, resilient, conservative Resistance to Barack Obama and the socialist Left.
Steve Elliott, President
P.S. I have received many requests from Resisters who want more information on Grassfire's overall Resistance strategy. If you would like a more detailed breakdown of our strategy, or to give us your suggestions and feedback, go here: