I think as FB censors more and more, if we start to get a following on this board, to protect everyone, I'll close many boards to public viewing. We don't want to openly state who has firearms or what types. The authorities are always looking for clues.
The idea of lower censorship is to say what we think, some of those ideas and thoughts make out we are radical to governments, so the least info they can glean from sites, the better, in my opinion.
They rely on searches using "bots" much like Google etc, if a site is closed to viewing to anyone other than logged in members, it's almost invisible. "bots" use "key word" searches, so as they cannot "see" the content of a site, it cannot show up anything in a search. The only drawback to a site, is it will be on the last pages of a Google search by anyone, so membership will require members advertising the site to other interested parties.